Wotz what

Wotz what

Relating terms, acronyms etc used in the blog..

AAFA = arse-about-face-acter. Example discovered by accident Monday evening when I had gotten a few minutes to relax and listen to radionz.co.nz at the end of a very long working day. AAFA heard to say multiple times what HE made of a writer expressing title in 1746 in modern terms. Little changes with some people, not least their inability to learn from the error of their ways..

AAFA was first named in 2011. 3 years prior he had been advised the mafia dictum to know his worst enemy better than his closest friend. What did he do..? He went after the messenger. What happened thus in 2011 was that his closest political friend kicked him out of the party leadership, and consequent the General Election of NOvember, his parliamentary career.

AAFA clearly still feels HE has something more to offer. Though the sad thing about his spouting long-discredited bile and phlegm is reliance on the dead and unable answer for themselves writers in British history.